J-series Juniper routers automatically come bundled with J-Web (click here for the complete J-Web 8.3 PDF user guide - 1.81 MB). When an Olive is built, the software believes it is an M series device, and does not install J-Web, however if you have the install module, it's a piece of cake. I have installed J-web 8.3 to each of my Olive virtual machines and the process is as follows:
1) you need the install module such as jweb-8.3R2.8-signed.tgz - host this file on an FTP server that your Olive can reach
2) FTP this file (in binary mode) to your Olive /var/tmp directory, as shown below:
3) add the package as shown below:
4) It may not be necessary but it may be good practise to restart your Olive at this point using 'request system reboot'
5) When J-Web is installed, it is not automatically accessible by any of the em0.0 or other interfaces - you must enable it. Do so as follows:
set system services web-management http interface em0.0
commit and-quit
If necessary, ensure em0.0 has an IP address that can be accessed by your VMWare host machine, such as follows:
set interfaces em0 unit 0 family inet address (this may require a restart if this is the first time you set an IP address on the interface)
The above will allow you to http in to your Olive, e.g. from a web browser and log in with your root account, unless you have create any other users
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